
Showing posts from July, 2024

It's not an album, it's a reckoning - SELIAS releases debut album

Headshot  could not be a more apt title for the debut album from SELIAS .  Seemingly from nowhere, Headshot strikes its listener with such force, you can't help but struggle with your own wits to stay planted. That struggle to remain anchored while the psyche swings violently between fight or flight is a prevalent theme throughout this ferocious debut.  Hailing from Toronto,  SELIAS have created a sinister blend of melodic death metal, groove metal, and metalcore that is dynamic, fresh, and aggressive. The band has combined high-flying clean vocals, guttural screams from depths unknown, blistering guitars, and blasting drums into a singular offering that never feels forced, or carelessly thrown together. Every song can stand alone, or as a chapter of a story that will haunt your dreams. The composition of each song is unique with production that aids the chaos that Headshot contains.  The content of Headshot is less of a deep-dive into the waters of a tortured mind, and more of a